Conwy ascent

We were in too mixed a bunch of kayaks to compete in the race – Doug in his white water boat, myself in the new Cormorant and Heather (a couple of years older than Sarah) paddling Geyrfugl. Those not racing get a somewhat later start, so the channel is that bit deeper and wider and the line less critical. We did find that cutting corners led us into slower water, so those who know exactly where the deepest point of the channel is must have a distinct advantage in the race. We were going quite fast enough, thank-you – we were hardly paddling at all as the tide carried us under the bridge (though some steering was very necessary to avoid being smeared onto the bows of moored boats) at a speed of 7 knots by the GPS.

Heather paddling Geyrfugl about halfway up the river – the tide was not going particularly fast by this stage

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